Our new favorite band is Dr. Dog. We saw them play last night. They performed really well for a bunch of bearded guys wearing funny hats and sunglasses. We were really impressed by their live rendition of the hit song “The World May Never Know” (from Easy Beat).
We know little about Dr Dog. Our synesthetic response to their music unfolds into like a stretchy fabric of nouns that all pertain to fabrics. For example, if someone made a corduroy-velour-suede-burlap wallabee, we envision Dr Dog wearing it. In Pierre Menard fashion, Dr Dog has been building a secret library of catchy, lo fi pop songs that draw heavily from an obscure sub-strata of 20th century popular music know as “70s Rock.” To this end, their songs celebrate melodies that burst phoenixlike from their trappings (these being raspy vocal harmonies and ragged guitar weaves). Our buddy Jason at Sellout Music describes them as sounding like Steely Dan covering Brian Wilson’s “Smile” with Ringo Starr on drums. Not necessarily a compliment but if you can imagine a dash of Paul McCartney and Wings mixed with a strong dose of Iron and Wine, you might acquire a taste for the catchy dialectics of this, their hearty oeuvre.
What we do know about Dr Dog: They have a new album. They are currently on tour. We presume that they favor canines. Our new favorite band is Dr. Dog.