oops from Chris Beckman on Vimeo. Love LOve LOVE this video. It’s the winner of the 2010 Vimeo awards for experimental film. Camera fumbles are the new dissolve! via Vulture
oops from Chris Beckman on Vimeo. Love LOve LOVE this video. It’s the winner of the 2010 Vimeo awards for experimental film. Camera fumbles are the new dissolve! via Vulture
Scott and I updated our computers to Mac OS X Snow Leopard a couple of days ago. So far so good. Purportedly these are the enhancements and refinements that we are now enjoying: *Larger Icon Sizes *More Reliable Disc Eject *Sortable Search Results Source = www.apple.com/macosx/refinements/enhancements-refinements.html But rumor has it there’s a new OS X[…]
This summer we helped Red Deluxe produce these wonderful American Lung Association PSAs. The casting call for this job was wide open. Early on, we had a super raspy sounding guy on this. But we really needed someone unique for these spots. Now that I am watching these PSAs again, I can’t imagine anyone else[…]
I’m thinking about starting a Eagle Nebula/Pillars of Creation Album Art tumblr page. I know there are more out there. So far, here’s what’s I’ve got: