Baton Rouge Area Foundation PSAs

Since we spend so much time on YouTube, we thought it was time to join the fun. Check it out:

These are two PSAs we produced last month for the Baton Rouge Area Foundation. After obtaining permission to re-record “Come Rain or Come Shine,” we cut two versions of the song with two different bands – a more traditional version with an all-star, jazz trio (that included Ellis Marsalis’s bass player, Bill Huntington) and a spooky, late-night version. After pasting the two together, we booked vocalist Stephanie Jordan, who brought it all home with an amazing, Billie Holiday inspired take on this Harold Arlen / Johnny Mercer classic. With the music bed then taken care of, we added famous New Orleans restaurateur and civic leader Leah Chase for the voice over. Needless to say, we are pleased with the results.


Client: Baton Rouge Area Foundation

Agency: Zehnder Communications

Creative Director: Mike Rainey

Art Director/Sound: William Gilbert, Mike Rainey

Producers: Scott Minor/Charles Wyrick – Lucky Dog Audio & Jason Weinheimer – Sellout Music

Voice Over: Leah Chase

Vocalist: Stephanie Jordan

Guitar: Charles Wyrick, Ted Ludwig

Keys: Jason Weinheimer, Jay Minor

Bass: Chris Michaels, Bill Huntington

Drums: Dylan Turner, Brian Brown

DP/Film Director: Steve Hunter/Fishbowl

Editing/animation: Storyville

06-01-07 UPDATE

Our two BRAF spots won some awards! Bronze Telly’s to be exact. “New Day” won for Sound Design and “Love You” was honored for Use of Music at the 28th Annual Telly Awards.