The Reporter and EZ Mabel

Casting is a challenging but important part of what we do here at Lucky Dog Audio. Consider these two recent requests for another round of Yahoo HotJobs radio spots: The Reporter: “First, we need a woman that sounds like the mom from Slingblade.” Being as accommodating as we could, we got Natalie Canerday to come[…]


Ft Campbell 2% Auto Loan TV from Steve Jones on Vimeo. It’s almost March which means one thing here at the Lucky Dog blog – it’s time to dust off the soderbergicon. First up, we were tickled orange-starburst to hear that our buddy Steve Jones at DDK won a Gold ADDY for this handsome Fort[…]

Memphis Football

Mix. Sweeten. Call it what you will. We worked on these. But the magic in these spots is in the voices. These three players have conviction. Linebacker Charles Harris. Tailback Brandon Hayes. Cornerback Bobby McCain. These guys mean it. You can hear it. Hats off to the agency for letting their words breathe.

Come Back 2 Go Forward

Sound design? Yes. We do sound design. And sometime we get to lay down fun, whimsical sound design, like the BOOM and the disco ball’s servo motor and the typewriter’s clackety clack and the various other what-nots that we added to these Arkansas Department of Higher Education videos for their recent Come Back 2 Go[…]

Under the Big Top

Check out these two new :60 spots for Luba Worker’s Comp. we produced last month. These spots feature loads of under-the-big-top sound design and several fun, situational cameos by colorful circus characters. Interestingly enough, one of the toughest elements to create in this production was the sound of the “Wheel of a Thousand Knives.”  We ended[…]

Oh, Henry

One of our most memorable characters to cast this year has been “Henry” for the Mutual Fund Store. Henryhenryhenry. Henry’s a bit of a grouch. He just doesn’t give a flip anymore. And why should he? He’s retiring. In other spots in this campaign we’ve heard Henry talk sports, give a wedding speech, and wax[…]

Meth Sucks

Good news from our friends at River Road Creative. It looks like the “Meth Sucks” tv they produced with us last year won four gold Addys at regionals this year! Way to go, River Road and yay us! For more on the “Meth Sucks” Anti-Meth campaign as well as the District 7 ADDY awards, follow[…]

Casting/Scoring a Centennial

For “Baptist Memorial Health Care – 100 Years of Care” we needed to cast a big voice… an important voice, a voice…for the ages. Someone that could evoke the Greatest Generation… and more. I think we found the right guy. Lest we forget, the right piece of music was also an integral part of this[…]

American Lung Association PSAs

This summer we helped Red Deluxe produce these wonderful American Lung Association PSAs. The casting call for this job was wide open. Early on, we had a super raspy sounding guy on this. But we really needed someone unique for these spots. Now that I am watching these PSAs again, I can’t imagine anyone else[…]