Alasdair Gray’s Lucky Dogs

Yeah. I wish Alasadir Gray had created this for us. Nope. They are going in Hillhead subway station in Glasgow, Scotland. Oh well. They are certainly cool. As is this short video from the Guardian wherein Alasdair… ahem… excuse me… *achoo*… wherein…. *cough*… ahem… wherein Alasdair describes the murals.

Never Kill A Snake With Your Bare Hands

TELEPHONEME | MK12 from MK12 on Vimeo. Whoa. Now that is some truly superb sound design. I am talking earache-of-the-sublime good. Plus, to these ears, it sounds like a new take on sonic hauntology. Sure there are some glitch elements at play in the piece but the way in which the sound designers placed the[…]